Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lecture 6: Cultural Identity/ Identities of Hong Kong

9 Mar, 2007

Cultural Identity/ Identities of Hong Kong

-Who are Hong Kong people? (香港人相)

--> Who are Hong Kong people? (在香港境內居住?在香港出世?有身份証/居港權? 有相同文化? 有相類似的生活習慣?行為模式?思想?價值?都對香港有歸屬感?有認同?)

--> Who are counted / represented as Hong Kong people? (1:99 電影行動 - 香港必勝-, 1:99 電影行動 - 2003春天...的回憶- )

*Being Hong Kong people <--> represented / recognized as Hong Kong people (e.g.居港權事件)

-Identity and Difference差異 (Race/ethnicity, Class, Gender)

--> Identity --> difference --> distinction區別

--> Why identity? Why difference/distinction區別?

--> Identity/difference/distinction --> Categorization

--> Why categorization? 人類為了其特定目的而根據某些較為凸顯的特徵所建構出來的文化/知識體系



-區別/ categorization一旦發生-->類別間的差異變得更加明顯,類別內的差異反而變少(或被認為不那麼重要) à 群體內凝聚力增強,排斥群體以外的群體 (1:99 電影行動 - 狂想曲 )

-類別間的關係﹕權力關係(控制、控制感) --> 定型、偏見

--> Other/ difference:

- differenc/文化研究煎釀三寶 (Race/ethnicity, Class, and Gender)


e.g. 台灣的CASE﹕日本人VS. 汉人/中國人(日據時期)--> 外省人VS. 本省人(49年後) --> 中國人VS. 台灣人(80年代後) (吳其諺﹕〈分類﹕差異和區別〉)

e.g.香港的CASE﹕中國人VS. 香港人-英國人VS中國人>香港人 --> 中國人VS.香港人(70年代後) --> 中國人VS.香港人(97後,但開始再國族?)

* Classe.g. 居港權事件,朗朗

* Gendere.g. 伏明霞

-Different race/ethnicity, class, and gender positions--> 不同區別/ categorization/ identity

e.g. ”香港歷史的實際開端是在1841年英國人到來的時候” (Endacott, A History of Hong Kong(1973))

e.g.香港核心價值2004 ( )

e.g.陳果﹕[榴槤飄飄A 6:40]

--> Multiple identity(in terms of space and time)/ Ever changing identity

--> Identity or identities?

--> multiple differences--> construction of cultural identity--> complex identity

-->Cultural identity/ representation of cultural identity--> politics of cultural negotiation

-Between Identities: Case﹕馬傑偉-〈九七後香港冒升的國族身份〉



*問卷﹕()通過對22種普遍價值的評價,比較香港人對自己與大陸人形象之間的認知差距。19992002年加入有關現代民主價值的選項。()探查被訪者對媒體呈現的文化與國族符號(長城、解放軍、公安、國旗、人民大會堂、特區區旗等)的情緒反應 (自豪、親切、抗拒)


-->Self/identity needs Other as its counterpart --> ever changing self/identity



-->問卷第1部分列出16(1999年及2002年為22)不同價值。同一項價值,受訪者被問及對各項價值描述分別與香港人大陸人之間的對應性之同意程度(1代表非常同意,2代表同意,3代中立,4代表不同意,5代表非常不同意à高於3 代表正面評價,低於3 代表負面評價)



*問卷第1部分所列出的價值,可分為三個向度﹕()一般社群價值(有道德、友善、文明、謙虛、樂觀、自律、富同情心、具容忍力) – 表二; ()資本主義啇業社會價值(上進、易於适應環境、醒目、實際) – 表三; ()現代民主價值(敢言、西化、獨立思考、崇尚自由、思想開放、重視私隐、重視平等機會、重視言論自由、重視新聞自由、愛國)




Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ref:On collective memory and urban planning

E-magazine: Cultural Studies@Lingnan

The 4th Volume of “Cultural Studies@Lingnan” is issued.

Please feel free to visit:

文 化研究@嶺 南 第 四期 20073

本 期文章

專題 : 還政於民的日常生活政治

文 化評論




關 鍵詞彙 記憶

人物 專訪 本土工程人 ── 陳景輝專訪


Friday, March 02, 2007

SD373 Cultural Identity Outline (revised)

Subject Title: Cultural Identity
Subject Code: SD373
Number of Credits: 3
Year / Semester of Study: Year 2 / Semester 2
Subject Co-ordinator: SIU King Chung
Lecturers: LEUNG Po-shan, Anthony ( )
CHENG Wai-pang (
Class room: A104K
Discussion blog:
Pre-requisites: Completed at least one DCT subject
Co-requisites: Nil

Teaching / Learning Activities and Hours Assigned:
6:30-8:30 lecture 8:30 -9:30 tutorial

Teaching & Learning Activities Hours/Week No. of Weeks Time-tabled Hours
Lecture 2 7 14
Presentation 2 7 14
Tutorial 1 14 14
Total Time-tabled Hours 42

Method of Assessment:
Students will be evaluated through tutorial (30%), as well as a final essay (50%) that identifies relevant arguments and offers reflections towards the issues of cultural identity. Quality of class participation, and students’ understanding towards relevant theoretical literature and local phenomenon are assessed in various preliminary research assignments (20%) leading towards their final essay.

Role and Purpose:
This subject deals with the problems of cultural identity in the midst of universal cultural hybridisation and globalisation. The focus is on the imagined “membership” in community formations and the outward signs of the participation, especially the new challenge of cultural economy. Students will discover processes of objects and images appropriation may become means for identity representation and differentiation. Forms of cultural rhetoric are, therefore, explored and analysed with reference to the underpinned values, beliefs and power relations. Special references will be directed to the Hong Kong context

Learning Outcomes:
On successfully completing the subject, students will able to:

l examine and comment upon the problems of cultural identity in the midst of universal cultural hybridization, globalization and localization;
l comprehend theoretical texts and make arguments against the different forms of cultural rhetoric as appear in the scholarly debates;
l make connections with learnt theories and explore critical issues in relation to, say, “the cultural others”, “spaces of identity”, “cultural representation”, etc. in our contemporary world;
l identify and analyze the underpinnings (e.g. values, beliefs and power relations) behind the outward signs of cultural representation or the imagined “membership” of certain communities;
l interpret how the processes of objects and images appropriation, (i.e. the processes of design) may become means for identity representation and differentiation;
l research and select local examples in explaining the above understanding through writings, presentations and seminars.
l continue to develop cultural sensitivity in societies of multicultural characters by augmenting knowledge of our own and others’ cultures;
l appreciate the diversity in our society and the world in which we lived and combat stereotype, prejudice and discrimination;
l perform more acute observations and make decision appropriately by making reference to necessary social and cultural conditions in real life settings.

Indicative Content:

Basic Concepts:
- culture, identity and cultural politics

Cultural Manifestations
- representation and art
- cultural intermediary
- visual & material culture

Cultural Economy
- basic concepts: identification, representation, production, consumption, regulation
- cultural industry and its critique

Cultural Identity of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong cultural identity- why matters?
- Hong Kong art and its Chineseness
- Culture of everyday life: tourism and shopping mall
- Hong Kong Culture in a space of disappearance
- Cultural identity/ identities of Hong Kong

Topics in cultural identity
- Politics of cultural identity: self, other, community
- Cultural Memories, Histories and Formation of Culture
- Cultural imaginings: Cultural Identity in Making

Global and Local
- urban spectacle, cosmopolitanism, regional identity and globalization (TW)

Round-up: a story with no end
From Identity to Subjectivity

Teaching/Learning Approach:
Weekly lecture and tutorial, complemented by students’ presentation; each student is required to apply learnt concepts in thinking, researching and writing about a selected cultural issue from the Hong Kong context. There will be an interim group research project, from which students are required to arrange a formal presentation and derive their own topics for their final essays.

1.Reading Tutorial(30%):
Form into groups of 3 to 4 students and present assigned readings with no more than 2 pages of reading notes (no powerpoint is needed).

2.Preliminary study(20%):
Prepare an interim group research project, from which students are required to arrange a formal presentation.

3.Final essay(50%):
Identify a cultural issue, conduct a research with the learnt concepts and theories, then produce an essay in English; word amount unlimited. Deadline: one week after term end.

19 Jan
Lecture: Introduction (LP)
26 Jan
L: Cultural Manifestations (LP)
2 Feb
L: Cultural Economy I (LP)
T: Kathryn Woodward ed., “Introduction”, Identity and Difference, Sage: 1997, pp.8-19.
Simon During, “Going global”, Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction, London: Routledge, pp.5-13.
9 Feb
L: Cultural Economy II (LP)
T: John Fiske, “Communication, Meaning and Signs”, Introduction to Communication Studies, London & New York: Routledge, 1990, pp.39-63.
16 Feb
Cultural Identity of Hong Kong (LP)
Representation of Hong Kong I
T: *Special task of the tutorial: Please illustrate the “cultural circuit” model with the case of Chinese cinema.
du Gay, Paul ed. (1997): “Introduction”, Production of Culture/Cultures of Production, London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: SAGE Publications, pp. 1-10.
du Gay, Paul ed. (1997): “Designing the Walkman: Articulating Production and Consumption”,Doing Cultural Studies: the story of the Sony walkman, London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: SAGE Publications, pp.62-74. (reserved- HM621 .D64 1997 )
23 Feb
No Class
2 Mar
Cultural Identity of Hong Kong (LP)
Visualizing Hong Kong II
T: Abbas, Ackbar., Culture in a Space of Disappearance, Hong Kong: Culture and the Politics of Disappearance, Hong Kong University Press, pp.1-15.
9 Mar
Cultural identity/ identities of Hong Kong (TW)
T: Sung Hung-mui, “Heterotopologies: South Asians in Media and Spatial Representations”, from Approaching South Asians in Hong Kong (M. Phil thesis), Lingnan University, 2005, pp. 119-133.
16 Mar
Presentation: preliminary study (students)
23 Mar
Presentation: preliminary study (students)
30 Mar
Topics in cultural identity (LP)
Invention of tradition
T: 羅永生:「後殖民評論與文化政治」,Pun Ngai & Yee Lai-man, Narrating Hong Kong Culture and Identity, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp.95-112.
13 Apr
Topics in cultural identity (LP)
Invention of Tradition (museum and tourism)
T: John Urry, “Introduction”, The Tourist Gaze, Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990.
20 April
Topics in cultural identity (TW)
Cultural Identity in Making
T: Dolores Hayden, The Power of Place : urban landscapes as public history, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England: MIT Press, 1995, pp.44-78. (F869.L857 H39 1995)
27 April
Global and Local (TW)
Regional identity and globalization
T: Stuart Hall, “The Local and the Global: Globalization and Ethnicity”, Dangerous Liaisons: Gender, Nation, and Postcolonial Perspectives, Anne McClintock & al. (ed.), Minneapolis & London: University of Minneapolis Press, pp.173-187.
5 May
L: Round-up: a story with no end (TW & LP)
T: Final essay consultation

General References:
梁文道: “寶貝總是國家的話、眼睛卻是我們的”信報1998年3月4日。
周蕾:《寫在家國以外》:香港:牛津大學出版社 1995。
梁秉鈞:《雅俗文化之間的文化評論》,載於黃淑嫻編:《香港文化多面睇》,香港:香港藝術中心1997.p.p.3 - 21
也斯:「文化身份的探索 : 東西視藝」,《香港文化》, 香港藝術中心1995.
洛楓:「歷史的記憶與失憶」,載於《世紀末城市》,香港:牛津大學出版社,1995年,頁60 – 75。
Ackbar Abbas (1997) Hong Kong: Culture and the Politics of Disappearance. Hong Kong University Press.
Appadurai, Arjun (1988) "How to make a National Cuisine: Cookbooks in Contemporary India". Comparative Study of Society and History 30(1): 3-24.
Bennett, Tony, Culture: A Reformer’s Science, London: Sage, 1998.
Cheung, Sydney (1996) "Cultural Tourism and Hong Kong Identity", Working Paper no. 4. Department of Anthropology, CUHK 1996 p.p.1 - 21
Ecker, David. (1990) "Cultural Identity, Artistic Empowerment, and the Future of Art in the Schools," Art Education. January/February 1990.
Evans, Grant.& Tam. Maria. (eds.) (1997) Hong Kong: The Anthropology of a Chinese Metropolis. Curzon.
Hall, Stuart et al. (eds.) (1992) "Identity in Question", Modernity and Its Futures. Polity Press & The Open University. p.p. 274-280.
Hall, Stuart et al. (eds.) (1992) "National Cultures as 'Imagined Communities' " Modernity and Its Futures. Polity Press & The Open University. p.p. 291-299
Stanley, Nick & Siu, King Chung (1995) "Representing the Past as the Future: The Shenzhen Chinese Folk Culture Villages and the Marketing of Chinese Identity." Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 7, 1995.
Woodward, Kathryn (1997) "Why does the Concepts of Identity Matters" in Woodward, Kathryn (ed.) (1997) Culture, Media and Identities: Identity and Difference. SAGE.

Special Topics (you may select from the followings to start off your essay):
On Cultural Economy:
du Gay, Paul ed. (1997): “Introduction”, Production of Culture/Cultures of Production, London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: SAGE Publications, pp. 1-10.
du Gay, Paul ed. (1997): Doing Cultural Studies: the story of the Sony walkman, London/Thousand Oaks/New Delhi: SAGE Publications. (reserved- HM621 .D64 1997 )

On Hong Kong:
Oscar Ho, “Hong Kong: A curatorial journey for an identity”, Art Journal, Winter 1998, pp. 39-42.
Mathew Turner, “Building on Appearance”, Hong Kong Four-cast, Hong Kong: University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong, 2005, pp.6-7.
David Faure, “Introduction”, David Faure ed., Hong Kong: A Reader in Social History, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp.xiii-xxx.
Abbas, Ackbar., Culture in a Space of Disappearance, Hong Kong: Culture and the Politics of Disappearance, Hong Kong University Press, pp.1-15.
*Matthew Turner, “60/90s Dissolving the People”, Matthew Turner & Irene Ngan ed., Hong Kong Sixties Designing Identity, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Art Centre, pp.13-34. (Do read the English version for it is the original writing of the author)
Clarke,. David (1996) "Between East and West: Negotiation With Tradition and Modernity in Hong Kong Art" in Art and Place: Essays on Art from a Hong Kong Perspective. The Hong Kong University Press.
羅永生:「後殖民評論與文化政治」,Pun Ngai & Yee Lai-man, Narrating Hong Kong Culture and Identity, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp.95-112

On nationalism & post-colonial studies:
Anthony Giddens, ‘Introduction’, Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age, Cambridge, Polity Press, 1991, pp.1-9. (On modernity and identity)
Eric Hobsbawm & Terence Ranger, “Introduction: The Invention of Tradition,”, The Invention of Tradition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. (1996 edition pp. 1-15.)

On museum, monumentality and tourism:
Tony Bennett, “The Formation of The Museum”, The Birth of the Museum, History, Theory, Politics, London & New York: Routledge, 1995, pp.17-58.
James Clifford, “Histories of the Tribal and the Modern” & “On collecting art and culture”, in Predicament of Culture: Twentieth- Century Ethnography, Literature and Art, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988, pp. 189-214 & pp. 215-252.
Three cases:
Wu Hung, “Tiananmen Square: A political history of monuments”, Representations, no.35, Summer 1991, pp.84-117.
Wu Hung, “The Hong Kong Clock- Public Time-telling and Political Time/Space”, Public Culture, vol. 9 no.3, Spring 1997, pp.329-354.
Marita Sturken, “The Wall, the screen, and the Image: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial”, Representations, no.35, Summer 1991, pp.118-141.
John Urry, The Tourist Gaze, Leisure and Travel in Contemporary Societies, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1990.

On visual culture
Jonathan Crary, Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England: MIT Press, 2000.

On Shopping Mall
Meaghan Morris, “Things to do with Shopping Centres”, The Cultural Studies Readers, Simon During (ed.), London and New York: Routledge, 1993, pp.295-319.
John Fiske, “Shopping for Pleasure: Malls, Power, and Resistance”, The Consumer Society Reader, Juliet B. Schor and al. (ed.), New York: The New Press, pp. 306-328.

On global and local
David Harvey, The condition of postmodernity : an enquiry into the origins of cultural change, Oxford, England : Blackwell, 1989.
Arjun Appadurai, Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, Minneapolis & London: University of Minneapolis Press, 1996.